Seattle Parks and Recreation has announced the schedule for 2023’s set of open street events on Lake Washington Boulevard between Mount Baker and Seward Park. Now dubbed “Bicycle Weekends,” Bicycle Sundays have been a feature on the park-owned arterial street dating back to the late 1960s, with the two-lane street shut down to through traffic so it can be used by people biking, walking, and rolling.
During Bicycle Weekends, Lake Washington Boulevard South becomes a people-friendly open street, with barricades placed late on Saturday morning (by 10am) and removed well before sunset on Sunday at 6pm.
2024 Bicycle Weekends
- Saturday, May 18 – Sunday, May 19
- Saturday, May 25 – Sunday, May 26
- Saturday, June 15 – Sunday, June 16
- Saturday, June 22 – Sunday, June 23
- Saturday, July 13– Sunday, July 14
- Saturday, July 27 – Sunday, July 28
- Saturday, August 10 – Sunday, August 11
- Saturday, August 24– Sunday, August 25
- Saturday, August 31 – Sunday, Sept 1
- Saturday, September 21– Sunday, September 22
Here’s a list of nearby Seattle parks with free parking (listed from north to south along the Bicycle Sunday route):
- Colman Park, 1800 Lake Washington Blvd. S, Seattle, WA 98144
- Mount Baker Park Beach, 2521 Lake Park Dr. S, Seattle, WA 98144. Follow Lakeside Dr. to Lake Wash. Blvd., entrance the beach parking lot is to the right.
- Stan Sayres Memorial Park, 3808 Lake Washington Blvd. S, Seattle, WA 98118. Access Stan Sayres from 43 Ave. S. between 10am-6pm.
- Adams St Boat Launch, 4200 Lake Washington Blvd. S
- Ferdinand St Boat Launch, 5018 Lake Washington Blvd. S
- Seward Park,5900 Lake Washington Blvd. S
- For a map of these locations, see: SHS_LWB_3Mile_Map (
More info: 2024 Summer Schedule for Bicycle Weekends on Lake Washington Boulevard – Parkways (

The family that rides bicycles together — has a wheel of a good time! –
Bike Riding Tips for families
- Make sure your child has a bike appropriate for their size. Under the age of six, consider a bike trailer, an attachable seat on your bike, or small bike with training wheels. Around the age of 6-8 you can consider a “real” bike.
- Every rider must always wear a properly fitted helmet that is in good condition.
- Dress for the weather in layers. Especially avoid loose hair, garments, or straps that can catch on the bicycle or passing objects.
- Stay visible on every ride by wearing high visibility (yellow or orange) clothing and reflectors or tape on the bike.
- Be alert when riding; watch both the terrain and your surroundings. Use caution around other bikes and vehicles, and while on sidewalks with pedestrians.
- Before the ride, check each bike for tire pressure and working breaks–children can be taught to check their own bike.
- Before each ride, remind your child about the rules of the road, hand signals, riding safely, and staying together.
- Pack snacks and water in a backpack or pannier to ensure everyone stays hydrated and energized.
- On family rides, young children need to stay with you until they are ready to ride off by themselves–which they will think they are ready to do long before you.
More info: Everything you need to know about bike riding – Greater Seattle on the Cheap
Calendar of upcoming free and cheap events
Listed below are upcoming affordable events of all types from our calendar.
Lake Washington Blvd S