The tradition of Groundhog Day dates to the 1800s when German immigrants in America continued their tradition of a weather-predicting hedgehog on Candlemas Day (February 2). Since there were no hedgehogs in North America, the similarly inclined burrowing groundhog (aka woodchuck) was drafted into service.
The reason for the tradition lies in the winter weather in northeastern U.S. Sunny skies in winter means cold temperatures. If the groundhog finds sunshine on February 2nd, it means winter is still in progress. However, if it’s cloudy, then moderate spring weather is already underway. Statistics show that Phil is right less than half the time. But it’s harmless fun in the dark, cold days of winter.
2025 Groundhog Day in the Puget Sound region
Since 1886, Punxsutawney, Pennsylvania has promoted the celebration of Groundhog Day. Realistically, the Punxsutawney PA prediction doesn’t work for the Pacific Northwest. Our weather patterns are entirely different. And further, there are no groundhogs west of the Rocky Mountains. So, we have to rely on another varmint, such as moles, mountain beavers, or gophers. Local traditions include Snohomish GroundFrog Day | Facebook and Rufus the Discovery Park mountain beaver via Q13 Fox News.
So, what’s our prediction for this year? More winter or an early spring?
On Groundhog Day, Seattle, WA | AccuWeather is expected to be cloudy (94%) with periods of rain (60% chance). However, the 60-Day Extended Weather Forecast for Seattle, WA | states that Feb 1-6 will be sunny and cold in the north but mild in the south. Whatever happens, we can look forward to spring flowers, including the March Daffodil festival in La Conner WA, the April Tacoma Daffodil Parades, and the March-April cherry blossom trees.
Snohomish’s annual weather prediction gathering, GroundFrog Day, will be Saturday, Jan. 25 at noon outside the Carnegie Building, First and Cedar. The event will feature a preview of Kla Ha Ya Days. (Kla Ha Ya Days now hosts GroundFrog Day formerly managed by the Snohomish Chamber of Commerce). More info: Groundfrogday | Facebook and Kla Ha Ya Days
Who is Punxsutawney Phil?
Since 1886, Punxsutawney, Pennsylvania has promoted the celebration of Groundhog Day at Gobbler’s Knob, which is a couple of miles outside of town. The local groundhog, known as “Punxsutawney Phil,” has a lair in a little clearing at the top of a wooded hill. Other towns around the nation host Groundhog Day events with a local mammal celebrity. But PA Phil gets the most national press.
Another tradition far and near includes screening of the film “Groundhog Day” (1993, PG). Bill Murray plays a satirical newsman who relives February 2 over and over again while in Punxsutawney, PA for the annual celebration. Check your local library for a copy. You can also rent it or stream it from your favorite service. Or see it locally on the big screen (we’ll post screenings on our event calendar, usually the weekend before or after (or on) February 2nd). Finally, you can check for any special screenings of the movie “Groundhog Day” on Our big list of movie theaters & discount tickets (
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