Capitol Hill Garage Sale in Seattle features their junk, your found treasures in a community-wide event centered around Cal Anderson Park. More info: Capitol Hill Garage Sale Day
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Carole Cancler says
We’re just seeing who reads our stuff. LOL. Seriously, we are sorry for any confusion. Not sure where we got the August date for 2019. I’ve been traveling so wasn’t on top of it for a few days. We’ve reset the date for Sept. 8, 2019.
Erin Blakeney says
Hello Fans of Cal Anderson Park and the Capitol Hill Garage Sale! It has come to our attention that there may be some confusion about the date for the Garage Sale this year. We are in the process of confirming Sunday Sept 8th with the Parks Department (fingers crossed). Wanted to post as this website seems to have mistakenly reported that it is this coming weekend. Apologies for any confusion. We will post to the Cal Anderson Park Facebook page and at the event website ( for registration and other information after we have been able to confirm the date.
Bailey says
Do you know if this was canceled? Where did this date originally come from? I tried emailing them, but I haven’t heard back. I’ve been planning on participating this Saturday… I just can’t seem to confirm if it’s happening or not.
Carole Cancler says
We do not have any more info. It appears there is no Capitol Hill garage sale in 2019.
Lila Chang says
The Cal Anderson web page does not state they are having a garage sale this weekend. Do you have any more info?
Carole Cancler says
Hi Gerry, we don’t have anything to do with the caphill garage sale, we just posted their event on our calendar. You would need to contact the caphill people here:
Gerry says
How do I get a spot to sell at caphill garage sale cal Anderson park?
Carole Cancler says
Click on their link for more info.
Venusrosita jones says
Need info for community garage sell capital hill